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June 1, 2023 in Belizean People

George Price Belizean Great Leader

George Cadle Price (1919-2011) was a prominent Belizean statesman and political leader who played a crucial role in the country’s journey towards independence. He is often referred to as the “Father of the Nation” for his instrumental role in shaping Belize’s political landscape.

Price was born on January 15, 1919, in Belize City, then known as British Honduras. He was of mixed Creole and Mestizo heritage. Price grew up in a politically active environment, with his father being involved in local politics. This exposure influenced his own passion for public service and social justice.

In the 1940s, Price co-founded the People’s United Party (PUP), which aimed to champion the rights and interests of the Belizean people. He served as the leader of the PUP for several decades, guiding the party through numerous political challenges.

Price dedicated himself to the cause of Belizean self-determination and worked tirelessly for the country’s independence from British colonial rule. He led negotiations with the British government, advocating for Belize’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. After years of effort, Belize gained its independence on September 21, 1981, with Price becoming the country’s first Prime Minister.

Throughout his political career, Price was known for his humility, integrity, and commitment to social justice. He advocated for economic and social reforms, focusing on education, healthcare, and the welfare of the Belizean people. Price emphasized the importance of unity, democracy, and the preservation of Belize’s diverse cultural heritage.

Price served as Prime Minister of Belize on multiple occasions, holding the position from 1961 to 1984 and again from 1989 to 1993. After retiring from active politics in 1996, he remained an influential figure and continued to advocate for national unity and social progress.

George Price’s contributions to Belizean society were widely recognized and honored both nationally and internationally. In 2000, he was awarded the Order of the Caribbean Community, the highest honor of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Price passed away on September 19, 2011, but his legacy as a visionary leader and nation-builder continues to inspire the people of Belize.

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