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January 21, 2024 in About Belize, Cayo District, Places to see, Uncategorized, Wildlife

Green Iguana Conservation Project:

Green Iguana Conservation Project, Belize: Overview


  • Situated in San Ignacio, Cayo District, Belize, often located within or near the grounds of the San Ignacio Resort Hotel.

Mission and Purpose:

  • The Green Iguana Conservation Project focuses on the conservation, rehabilitation, and education of green iguanas in Belize.

Key Features:

  1. Breeding and Rehabilitation:
    • Engages in the breeding and rehabilitation of green iguanas, which are native to Belize.
  2. Educational Programs:
    • Offers educational programs to raise awareness about the importance of iguana conservation and the role these reptiles play in the ecosystem.
  3. Guided Tours:
    • Conducts guided tours, allowing visitors to learn about the life cycle, behavior, and conservation efforts for green iguanas.
  4. Interactive Experience:
    • Provides visitors with hands-on and interactive experiences, allowing them to handle and feed iguanas under supervision.
  5. Nursery and Enclosures:
    • Features a nursery where baby iguanas are cared for until they are large enough to be released. There are also enclosures for adult iguanas.
  6. Research and Monitoring:
    • Contributes to research and monitoring efforts aimed at understanding green iguana populations and improving conservation strategies.

Visitor Experience:

  1. Educational Presentations:
    • Visitors are often treated to educational presentations by knowledgeable guides who share insights into the biology, behavior, and conservation challenges faced by green iguanas.
  2. Guided Walks:
    • Guided walks through the facility provide visitors with the opportunity to observe iguanas in different stages of their life cycle.
  3. Photography Opportunities:
    • The project offers opportunities for visitors to take photographs with iguanas, creating memorable experiences.

Conservation Impact:

  • By actively engaging in breeding, rehabilitation, and education, the Green Iguana Conservation Project contributes to the preservation of these reptiles and their habitats.

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