Travel Tips & Guides

Travel Tips and Guide to Belize involve seamless planning to ensure a smooth journey to this Central American gem.Belize has an International airports,  Philip S.W. Goldson International Airport in Belize City being the main gateway. Airlines connect Belize to major North American cities, providing convenient access. Visitors should check visa requirements,(click here)  though many countries enjoy visa-free entry. Currency is the Belizean Dollar, and credit cards are widely accepted. Transportation within Belize ranges from domestic flights to buses and taxis, ensuring connectivity to various destinations.

Accommodations vary from beachfront resorts to eco-lodges and jungle retreats, catering to diverse preferences. Planning excursions to explore ancient ruins, vibrant coral reefs, and lush rainforests enhances the travel experience.
English is the official language, facilitating communication.

Health precautions, such as vaccinations and travel insurance, are advisable. Belize has a tropical climate, so packing appropriate clothing and essentials is crucial. Familiarizing oneself with local customs and cultural nuances enhances the overall travel experience. A spirit of adventure, combined with meticulous planning, ensures an enjoyable journey through Belize’s diverse landscapes and cultural wonders.

Uncategorized Visiting Belize

Belize Bird Watching

Belize can boast when it comes to Bird Watching!You have the choice of 3 main places for Bird Watching in Belize. Each spot has its own unique history and birds. see more

About Belize Visiting Belize

Belize Mayan Ruins

About Belize Uncategorized Weddings

Getting Married in Belize

Getting married in Belize involves several steps and requirements.  Here's a general guide: Residency Requirements: There are no residency requirements to get married in Belize, making it a popular destination for destination weddings. Documents Needed: Valid passports for both parties. Birth certificates for both parties.…

Belizean Lifestyle Living in Belize Moving to Belize

Retiring in Belize

Belize has one of the world’s best retiree programs through the Qualified Retired Persons (QRP) Program. QRP Program for Those Who Want to Retire in Belize

Visiting Belize

Arriving to Belize by Water

Belize and Mexico has maintained a good relationship and Belizeans and Mexicans can easily travel from one country to the other for business, shopping, medical or recreational purposes, which they do daily.Chetumal, Quintana Roo, Mexico is the closest city to Belize and has long been…

About Belize Uncategorized

About Belize

Located in the Northern part of Central America Belize is over 8867 miles and only has a population of 340,000 people. Even though it’s the lowest population density in the Caribbean it has the highest population growth rate of 2.2% in the Western Hemisphere.


About Belize Tours Unlimited

Belize Tours Unlimited is a family-owned business located in Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary, just minutes outside of Belize City. Our fully certified guides, trained in first aid, are committed to delivering an authentic experience that encompasses food, culture, and cuisine.

About Belize Destinations Restaurant Reviews Visiting Belize

Planning a Trip to Belize?

If you're planning a trip to Belize, there are a few things you should keep in mind to make the most of your vacation. First, decide which part of the country you want to visit, as each district offers unique attractions and experience

About Belize Belizean Lifestyle Visiting Belize

Belize Culture

Belize is a diverse country with a rich and vibrant culture that is influenced by its history and the various ethnic groups that call Belize home.


Day Trippin

Discover the wonders of Belize with Better Belize Tours and Office’s day trip packages that cover the entire country. Our tours are designed to offer cruise ship passengers a perfect opportunity to explore and experience the beauty of Belize.